Monday, February 3, 2014

2013 Year in Review

ok technically this is the first week of 2014...since the fiscal retail year ended this past weekend and since chinese new year is the start of the real new year, now that i'm chinese and all. so i'm not late on this 2013 year in review thing...just saying.

first thing’s first, let’s address the elephant in the room – the lack of activity on the blog. at least i’m consistent. a lot went down in 2013, leaving me little time to be blogging (or napping). both are necessary for a good post. to avoid losing any more friends, i’ll only share my top 10 moments of the year. these are not your typical "i explored the world" top 10, these are the unknown pleasures of my life last year. i'm guessing if you read this blog, you probably see my instagram or facebook posts, so let's not be redundant with things. anyways this is already so unfair to you guys. blogs are just an awesome way to feel immensely over-satiated with your own life and hope others envy you. let’s see if this post can serve this purpose (jk...kind of).

10. the toys that come with my jet lag mcdonalds happy meal delivery. 

9. soufflé from pistacchio. actually the best part about pistacchio is that hao helped open it. makes me very proud!

8. ippudo moves to every mall in shanghai. no longer do I have to convince myself that i have a reason to go to pudong. i can now take a 2 minute subway ride and eat ippudo at least once a week. the ramen scene is surprisingly underdeveloped here in shanghai so ippudo is the spot if you’re craving a huge, fatty, satisfying bowl of spicy slurpy goodness.

7. hao's increasing acceptance of selfies. i LOVE selfies. and any picture that includes me for that matter. hao's getting used to it. 

6. the pool on top of my sister’s apartment in nyc. not only did i get to spend some qt with the fam everytime i went to nyc, but I also got some r&r at their rooftop pool. not too shabby. will be missing this in summer when ish and bri move to long island and make way for bambino rapino!

5. being famous. or pretending to be. i was asked by our marketing department to be on the gap blog for china. I mean, given my obsession with myself, i was thrilled. had hair and make up, stylist, photographer, studio and all…so cool. the pics aren’t half bad either (or so my fans say). check it out

4. the food at my best friends’ weddings. this was an epic wedding year with devanshi and shwe both getting hitched in the same month! Lucky for me, moghul was the caterer for both and the non-stop food/chai/drinks/snacks was a serious bonus to an already perfect month.

3. kalindi and lukas kim venture to shanghai. what a treat to have my two fave kiddies (and their parents J) come to shanghai. I watched these two grow up in sf and it was so cool to spend time with the kims in my new home of shanghai. when I got sick and couldn’t see them on their last day, they sent me this video, which also served as a great pick me up whenever I was homesick or feeling down! (hope you don’t mind the kids’ cameo david and shanti!)

2. three michelin stars in osaka. hard to beat this culinary experience; it was so unique, it has to stand out among all the insane eating hao and I did this year. we climbed into this tiny room from this tiny window (behind hao in the pic below) and were served from a hidden sliding door by the owner’s wife. simply incomparable.

check out for the full menu rundown
1. everything about hao’s proposal was perfection but my favorite part of the whole trip was our first meal the evening right after we got engaged. we went to this tiny place called verjus and we had such an adrenaline rush and insanely empty stomachs that we may have had the best meal of our engaged lives (ok maybe I should speak for myself). i love this picture so much, vainly because it shows off my ring and my mani, but also because it reminds me of the best night of my life (thus far) with my boo [insert ‘awww’ or 'barrff' here]. more to come on this subject. 

so there's a peak into my year. i hope you all had equally blogworthy years. i, for one, am looking forward to a lot this upcoming year. moving back to ny, becoming an aunt, planning a wedding, spending time with the fam, etc etc. nothing is better than sharing all these things with the people you love. gag. :) see you in 2014. xin nian kuaile!